Video Thread Of President Trump's Speech At CPAC 8/6/22
President Trump has given a lot of great speeches in the past year, but this weekend’s CPAC speech was one of his best in years. He was high energy, hilarious and knocked it out of the park on the important America First issues.
President Trump’s Full Speech Can Be Found Here
Table Of Contents
Introductory Remarks And Shoutouts
You are the loyal defenders of our heritage, our liberty, our culture, our Constitution, and our God-given rights. You never stop fighting for America, and I will never, ever stop fighting for you. Won’t happen.
Straw Poll
I want to thank you for your incredible support also, because I just walked in the door, and they told me I had this straw poll. No I’d just come in, “Sir, you won the straw poll.” I said, “I better damn win that straw poll.”

Trump Contrasting His Record With Biden’s
So as we gather tonight, our country is being destroyed more from the inside than out. America is on the edge of an abyss. And our movement is the only force on Earth that can save it.
We have to take this chance to shatter the corrupt Washington establishment once and for all. We have to run aggressive, unrelenting and boldly populist campaigns. Populist. We want to be populist. We want to love our country. That’s what we want.
We have to throw off the shackles of globalism, and reassert two very important words. You know what the words are? America First. It’s a very simple thing. We have to put our country first.
We May Have To Do It Again
But I ran twice, I won twice, and did much better the second time than I did the first, getting millions and millions of more votes than in 2016, and likewise, getting more votes than any sitting President in the history of our country by far. And now we may have to do it again. We may have to do it again.
What The GOP Must Do
So to win in this November this election needs to be a national referendum on the horrendous catastrophes the radical Democrats have inflicted on our country. The Republican party needs to campaign on a clear pledge that, if they are given power, they’re going to fight with everything they have to shut down the border, stop the crime wave, beat inflation, and hold the Biden administration accountable. They have to hold it accountable.
Crime And Cleaning Up Our Cities
The streets of our Democrat-run cities are drenched with the blood of innocent victims, gun battles rage between blood thirsty street gangs, bullets tear into crowds at random killing wonderful, beautiful little children that never even had a chance.
Border Security
You know we fight and spend billions and billions and even trillions of dollars defending the borders of countries that are 7,000 miles away, but they don’t want to spend any money to defend our border. Makes no sense.
Draining The Swamp
Another key priority for the next Congress and the next President will be to drain the swamp once and for all. To remove rogue bureaucrats and root out the deep state Congress should pass groundbreaking reform, empowering the President to ensure that any federal employee who is corrupt, incompetent or unnecessary for the job can be told, “You’re fired.”
Protecting Our Children And Stopping The Left’s Radical Indoctrination Agenda
As we take power out of Washington, we also need to take power back from the left-wing lunatics who are indoctrinating our youth. We have to finally and completely smash the Radical Left’s corrupt education establishment. The current system is sick. It’s sick. We have the lowest scores almost in the world and we spend more per pupil than any other nation. School prayer is banned, but drag shows are allowed to permeate the whole place. It’s okay. You can’t teach the Bible, but you can teach children that America is evil and that men are able to get pregnant. Whatever it takes, conservatives must liberate America’s children from the captivity of these Marxist teachers unions. That’s what they are. Where do they come from?
We must also win the battle to restore free speech in America. Republicans across government have to be ruthless in going after the new censorship regime. It’s censorship. It’s worse than it’s ever been.
Go out, sign up now, by the way, for Truth Social. It’s really great. It’s giving us a voice. It’s giving us our voice back.
We Must Act Now And Put America First
The list of urgent tasks for the next Congress and the next president is endless and we do not have to wait. We have to move quickly. We don’t have time to wait. Our country is being shot. It’s being destroyed. It’s something we have to do for the future. The future of our country is at stake. We don’t have time to wait years and years. We won’t have a country left.
We have to restore America First. We have to go back to the America First foreign policy. We have to be America First. Right now we are truly America Last. We are America Last. Focus squarely on our national interest. And we have to keep the United States out of these ridiculous, endless foreign wars where they don’t even want us.
Trump’s Hilarious Reaction To The Limo Story
You know what else they don’t want to talk about? How about that phony story? I’m sitting in the back of the Beast. I wasn’t sure if I should be honored, because I felt very strong.
Whitmer Kidnapping Plot Hoax
As another example, the sting that they did involving Gretchen Whitmer was fake. Just like those who instigated January 6th, it was a fake deal. Fake. It was a fake deal. Gretchen Whitmer, was in less danger than the people sitting in this room right now, it seems to me. And you look to see what happened and trials are going on all over the place. I guess a lot of people are being exonerated, aren’t they? Huh? They’re being exonerated.
Election Integrity
Finally, everywhere we have the chance, we must pass critical election integrity reforms, including universal voter ID.
We have to have honest elections and we have to have borders or we don’t have a country
The Stakes
And if we do all this, if we stop the crime, secure the border, save the economy, defend our culture and take back our democracy, then America First Conservatives will be rewarded with a governing majority that will transform American politics forever. We’re at such an important point. The Radical Left will be banished into political oblivion. We will save our freedom. We will save our children. And we will save our country. But the task will not be easy. Together, we are standing up against some of the most menacing forces, entrenched interests and vicious opponents our people and our country has ever seen.
But you say, where does it stop? Where does it end? It probably doesn’t stop, because despite great outside dangers, our biggest threat remains the sick, sinister and evil people from within our own country. Never forget everything this corrupt establishment is doing to me is all about preserving their power and control over the American people.
But no matter how big or powerful the corrupt radicals we are fighting against may be, no matter how menacing they appear, we must never forget that this nation does not belong to them. This nation belongs to you. This is your home. This is your heritage. This is your country that your American ancestors won with their own courage, defended with their own blood and built with their own hands.
Concluding Remarks
We are going to keep on working. We are going to keep on fighting. We are going to keep on winning. And we are going to get our country back. As long as we can not lose our spirit, our movement will never be defeated. This is the greatest movement, MAGA. This is the greatest movement in the history of our country. Greatest in the history of our country. There’s never been anything like it. Probably you could say it’s the greatest or one of the greatest in the history of the world.
And with the help of all of you here tonight and the millions of Patriots all across our land, we will Make America Powerful Again. We will Make America Wealthy Again. We will Make America Strong Again. We will Make America Proud Again. We will Make America Safe Again. And we will Make America Great Again. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you very much. God bless you all.