From the very first day of the Biden Administration, the Left has used every tool at their disposal to silence, financially cripple and lock up anyone who is critical of their rule.
Here are a few examples with links to our previous newsletters discussing them:
The Politicization Of The FBI And Justice Department, The Prosecution Of Trump Supporters And The Terrible Treatment Of The January 6th Political Prisoners In DC
The Disinformation Governance Board
The Regime’s Coordination With Big Tech Exposed In The Twitter Files
For our newsletter this week, we are going to focus on the very troubling case against Douglass Mackey.
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Table Of Contents
The case against Douglass Mackey is one of the more disturbing First Amendment cases we’ve ever seen. Here you have a young guy who built a large following during the 2016 election posting funny memes mocking Hillary Clinton and the Regime, and fast forward several years later and Biden’s DOJ is trying to lock him away for up to ten years because of those memes.
Right now, if you Google Douglass Mackey’s name, it immediately comes up with a link to DOJ’s website outlining the charges against him.
Brandon Straka, who also has the same thing pop up when you Google his name, explained on Tucker Carlson’s show how the DOJ is working with Google to make sure that this is the first result.

Why are they doing this? As Straka pointed out, to financially cripple you and brand you so that whenever a future employer Google’s your name they will see the Government’s characterization of you first.
Here is a quick rundown on Mackey’s legal defense fund site of what he is being charged with.
On January 22, 2021 two days after Joe Biden was inaugurated, Douglass Mackey was indicted under 18 USC 241, for conspiracy to violate civil rights. Mackey’s alleged crime? Federal Prosecutors claim Mackey was behind the popular Trump-supporting Twitter Account RickyVaughn99, and used "social media to spread disinformation relevant to the impending 2016 Presidential Election." Specifically, the government was concerned that "disinformation spread by these individuals often took the form of 'memes.'"
Mackey is facing up to ten years in prison for what the government for what the government calls a “disinformation conspiracy” to deceive voters for actions that allegedly took place five years prior to his arrest. In addition to threatening to his own personal freedom, the outcome of this case will set important precedents on both the First Amendment and due process. Mackey has fought the case for two years already and it is now headed for a jury trial in the Eastern District of New York. Federal criminal trials are very expensive, and he needs your help.
Thankfully, Tucker Carlson has been one of leading voices bringing attention to this case and defending Mackey’s First Amendment Rights.

Tucker calling out the many cowards in “conservative” media who are remaining silent about this case.

One of Mackey’s Lawyers James R. Lawrence III joined Tucker Carlson this week to discuss the case.

Another update on Mackey’s case.

Mackey’s Lawyer was also on Charlie Kirk‘s Show and Auron MacIntyre’s show this week.

Some legal discussions about this case.

Andrew McCarthy’s Legal Analysis Of Mackey’s Case: The Justice Department’s Ridiculous Voter ‘Disinformation’ Prosecution
On Wednesday, the FBI arrested a man in Florida on a conspiracy charge, punishable by up to ten years’ imprisonment, for the “crime” of peddling disinformation about voting on social-media platforms. It’s a three-fer: the prosecutorial creation of a crime Congress has not prescribed, the trivialization of civil-rights law, and the intrusion of government as a monitor of political speech.
While ridiculous, Mackey’s prosecution is also dangerous. It’s government’s toe in the water. The distance is very short from claiming the power to police misinformation about how to vote, to policing information about whom to vote for, to assuming the role of campaign-messaging monitor. Once the government starts using criminal-law enforcement — 10-year felony charges — to regulate political speech, there will be far less political speech, which will be a boon for the incumbent.
The government’s law-enforcement officers and regulators must police against the intimidation of voters. That is their duty under civil-rights law. But they have no business policing political speech, no matter how false it is. That is not what the criminal law is for — see Amendment, First.
As McCarthy, Barnes and Mackey’s lawyer stated in the above pieces and clips, this prosecution could set a very dangerous precedent that would give the Government more power to go after and lock up their enemies over speech they don’t like.
Douglass Mackey’s rights deserve to be protected and he needs all the support he can get. Once again, here is a link to his legal defense fund.
We’re praying for you, Doug.
Other Stories We’re Tracking
President Trump Reacts To Speaker McCarthy’s Praise Of Capitol Hill Police Officer Who Murdered Ashli Babbitt
McCarthy may do some good things every now and then, thanks to pressure from the MAGA Movement and the very few America First members of Congress, but never trust this man and never count him as a friend. He’s still of the Swamp, and always will be.

President Trump had an excellent response to this on Truth Social.
President Trump has consistently defended the Babbitt family and demanded answers about her death.

It’s been several years since the murder of Ashli Babbitt and plenty of evidence has come out showing that the officer was in the wrong.

You don’t use deadly force unless you were confronted with a threat to your life or a threat on somebody else’s life. And there was no immediate threat to the officer or to anyone else.
More on this officer: Capitol Police Officer Who Shot Ashli Babbitt Left His Gun Unattended In A Bathroom In 2019
Michael Byrd, the U.S. Capitol Police lieutenant who shot and killed Ashli Babbitt during the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, is the same officer who left his gun unattended in a Capitol bathroom in 2019.
Capitol Police found Byrd’s Glock 22 in a Capitol Visitor Center complex bathroom in February 2019 “during a routine security sweep.” At the time, Byrd was the Capitol Police commander of the House Chambers and was scheduled for work the next two days after the incident. The police department launched an investigation into Byrd’s negligence, but he was eventually allowed to stay on the force.
Meet with the Babbitt family, Mr. Speaker. Help them get answers.

Project Veritas Releases More Footage Exposing Pfizer
We covered the massive Veritas Expose of Pfizer in our last newsletter. This week, they’ve got more, and from the same psycho they exposed last time.

LMFAO Nikki Haley Is Preparing To Run For President
There may not be a more astro-turfed and more America Last Republican (Crenshaw maybe) than Nikki Haley. She is the quintessential swamp creature who will say and do anything for power. Remind you of someone?
It’s almost impossible to avoid Haley. She seems to pop up on Fox News shows every hour. Our suspicions as to why she’s being promoted so hard appear to have been confirmed as news broke this week that she will be announcing a run for President very soon.

But not everyone on Fox News is chanting “Haley 2024.” Tucker Carlson has called out Haley for years.

Tucker reacted to news of Haley’s upcoming announcement on his show this week.

Nikki Haley will never be President and will be nothing more than another Neo-Con moron for Trump to rip apart on the debate stage. So welcome to the 2024 Primary, Nikki! Unleash hell, President Trump!
Senator Vance Endorses Donald Trump For President
Speaking of the 2024 Primary, newly elected America First Senator J.D. Vance made a huge announcement this week with his endorsement of President Trump.

Donald Trump’s presidency marked the first real disruption to a failed consensus and the terrible consequences it wrought. That fact, more than any single accomplishment, is the enduring legacy of Mr. Trump’s first term. But there is much more to do, and I’m supporting him for president in 2024 because he’s the only person certain to do it.
Tucker Carlson And Pedro Gonzalez Warn President Trump About Snake Graham
President Trump has needed to ditch Snake Graham for a long time. Why he continues to pall around with Graham remains a mystery. Maybe it’s due to Graham’s devious flattery or maybe it’s because of some misplaced belief that Graham could be used to help lock up South Carolina during a primary. Whatever the reason, Graham’s presence is a problem. He was one of the worst culprits in pitching garbage ideas to the Trump Administration.
Here is one example.

Credit to Tucker Carlson and Pedro Gonzalez for having the courage to go after Graham and urge Trump to cast this snake out.

Pedro Gonzalez’s Excellent Piece This Week On Graham: The South Carolina Sellout
Graham is no friend to the America First mandate, nor is he harmless, regardless of who is promoting him or making excuses for him.
Trump didn’t need Graham in 2016, and he doesn’t need him in 2024. Ditch the snake, Mr. President.
Interesting Reads Of The Week
White men were 27% of Biden voters and likely the provided majority of Biden's funding-- yet they are almost absent from leadership. NONE of Biden's twenty-five cabinet-level positions is filled by someone of white Protestant background.
Scott Greer’s Piece In The American Greatness: An American Hugo Chavez Is Coming
Chavism promises the realization of multicultural America. It would reject everything great about the old America and turn our nation into a giant favela. Mass immigration and the popularization of anti-whiteness make that future more likely. We can only reject it by restricting immigration and ending anti-white racism for good.
Pedro Gonzalez’s Substack Piece: One Chinese Spy Balloon Goes By
Our national security problems cannot be boiled down to which party gets to plant its flag atop the inexorable leviathan every few years by those who, as Nena sang it, merely “thought they were clever people.” It will take much more work, seriousness, and attentiveness to fix them and cut out the rot for good.
Steve Cortes’ Substack Piece: Immigrant Ingrates
A porous border is always an awful idea, but particularly so in an era of crashing real wages for American citizens. At present, American laborers endure 21 straight months of declining real incomes, meaning pay adjusted for the costs of living.
Amid such a crisis, the last thing working class Americans can sustain is competing in the labor markets against illegal alien workers or, even worse, picking up the tab for the comfort of rude and ungrateful foreigner lay abouts.
Mike Cernovich’s Substack Piece: Why People Stopped Reading Books
The kind of women who control publishing only want to hear from men who hate themselves. All that “woke” stuff about promoting black voices is fake. They’ll only promote male voices who hate themselves.